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Posting Notice Of Lien


This is to notify that on [Date of Sale], at [Time of Sale], at [Place of Sale], the following item of will be sold to the highest bidder in order to satisfy [Type of lien]: [Description of property]. [Name of Lienholder], of <Address of Lienholder], claims a lien in the amount of $ [Amount of Lien]. The item is owned by [Name of Owner], and resides at [Address of Owner].

The above-described property will be sold pursuant to [Name of Statute]. The proceeds from the sale will be used to cover all or part of cost of the sale and to the lien. Any remaining amount will be mailed to [Address of Owner] or the county clerk of [Name of County] County, [Name of State], to be held in trust for the owner of the property.

The above mentioned property was to be claimed [Days to claim] days before the posting of this notice. A notice of lien and sale were mailed to the owner on [Date of First Notice to Owner] and [Date of Second Notice to Owner] respectively. The notices were mailed to [Address of Owner] by [Certified or registered] mail no less than [Days before auction] days prior to the time set for the auction.

Signature Date

Signature Date